Classic Pancakes

Classic Pancakes

             Pancakes... Who don't know about this famous dessert? Oh? You know who Breece D'J Pancake? Come on, he's the past (wow.., The Atlantic is simply wow). and no, no, he wasn't the one who invented pancake. He was an author.

             Well, that's not important..However, nothing is better than a pancake that you bake yourself! You can imagine what toppings do you want, how you want to decorate it, and stuffs. Making pancake is probably the easiest (for me).

             So, instead of putting maple syrup, I put caramel. and to decorate it, I put some cocoa powder, and a strawberry. I still think that the pancakes looked plain. Decorating is not my specialty. and I think that decorating cake is hard!


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